Population Viability Analysis (PVA) is of interest to both conservation biologists and the forest sector, because it can predict the potential impact of forest practices on wildlife populations now and into the future. In an adaptive management framework, PVA can inform how forestry practices might be altered to mitigate adverse impacts. PVA provides crucial information for assessment by describing the current state of a population, predicting future population changes, and identifying any threats to population persistence. Assessment and adaptive management are complementary goals and essential for sustainable forest management.
The goal of this project is to develop PVA protocols for use by government, the forest sector and the public. The protocols can then be used to predict the impact of our activities and identify populations that are in jeopardy of being eliminated from the local or regional landscape (This is not a research project but, will take data, models and knowledge we already have and apply practically).
Blackburnian Warbler
Funding and research partners: