Forest Pest and Disease Workshop 2012
Feb. 15, 2012
Fredericton, NB
Research indicates another spruce budworm outbreak is imminent in New Brunswick. Updates were presented on the status of the spruce budworm, balsam woolly adelgid, brown spruce long horn beetle and emerald ash bore among other pests, along with the latest research on potential treatments, forecasting tools and monitoring methods and results for the insects causing the greatest concern. Several of the presentations are available as video casts by clicking on the titles below. For continuing education credits, please contact the Association of Registered Professional Foresters of New Brunswick or the Canadian Institute of Forstery (Maritimes).
This workshop was presented by Fundy Model Forest.
The Next Spruce Budworm Outbreak in New Brunswick: Anticipatory, reactive, or crisis management?
Balsalm Woolly Adelgid in New Brunswick
Balsam Woolly Adelgid Gouting Interferes with the Performance and Preference of Subsequent Defoliators