Our forests, our communities, our future

Early Years (1992 - 2007)



Effects of PCT and Plantation Management on Ground Vegetation - Drs. Kate Frego and Mark Roberts

Indicators of Mixed-Wood Forest Conditions & the Long-Term Effects of Pre-Commercial Thinning on the Abundance of Small Mammals – J. Henderson and G. Forbes


Apparent Survival and Population Viability of a Forest Bird Indicator Species in Relation to Landscape Scale Forest Management - Brad Zitske, Tony Diamond and Matthew Betts

The Long Term Effects of Precommercial Thinning on the Abundance of Small Mammals - Julie Henderson and Graham Forbes


Independent Effects of Habitat Loss and Fragmentation on Songbirds in a Forest Mosiac: An organism based approach - Matthew Betts, Graham Forbes, Anthony Diamond and Phillip Taylor

Effects of Forestry Practices on Plant Diversity Monitoring Vasuclar Plants and Bryophytes  - Kate Frego and Mark Roberts

Tree Islands Leave Patches as Refugia for Vascular Plants and Bryophytes in Harvest Blocks - Mark Roberts and Kate Frego

Habitat Requirements of a Proposed Mixedwood Indicator Species in the Fundy Model Forest - Louise Ritchie, Graham Forbes and Matthew Betts

Apparent Survival and Population Viability of a Forest Bird Indicator Species in Relation to Landscape-scale Forest Management - A.W. Diamond and B. Zitske

American Beech Vegetative Propagation and Genetic Resistance Testing – Judy Loo


Tree Islands Leave Patches as Refugia for Vascular Plants and Bryophytes in Harvest Blocks - Mark Roberts and Kate Frego

Habitat Requirements of a Mixedwood Indicator Species Northern Flying Squirrel - Graham Forbes

Effects of Forestry Practices on Plant Diversity Monitoring Vascular Plants and Bryophytes in Permanent Quadrats - Kate Frego and Mark Roberts

American Beech Vegetative Propagation and Genetic Resistance Testing - Judy Loo


Leave Patches as Refugia for Vascular Plants and Bryophytes in Harvest Blocks - Mark Roberts and Kate Frego

Effects of Forestry Practices on Plant Diversity Monitoring Vascular Plants and Bryophytes in Permanent Quadrats – Kate Frego and Mark Roberts

Habitat Requirements of Forest Birds in the Fundy Model Forest - Matthew Betts

Development of an Effective Trap and Lure for Detection of the Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle Tetropium fuscum (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) - Jon Sweeney


An Indicator Species Approach to Monitoring Forest Fragmentation in New Brunswick, Canada - Matthew Betts

Effects of Forestry Practices on Plant Diversity Selection Harvest - Kate Frego

Habitat Pre-screening Project for Rare and or Endangered Vascular Plants - Jillian Weldon-Genge

Habitat Requirements of Forest Birds in the Fundy Model Forest - Matthew Betts

Herbaceous Layer Diversity and Stand Structure in Partial Cuts, Riparian Buffers, and Tree Islands - Mark Roberts

Natuaquanek First Nation Black Ash Project - Please contact FMF

New Brunswick Tree and Shrub Species of Concern - A Field Guide

Investigation of Nosema Fumiferanae Infections in Adult Male Populations of the Spruce Budworm - Eldon Eveleigh 

Fundy Model Forest Project Report: Deer Habitat Projections – Jason Knox


Possibly Rare and Endangered Plants Found in Wet Cedar Forests in Southeastern NB – Faye Doran

Assessing Forest Bird Habitat at Stand and Landscape Scales in the FMF: Preliminary Results – Matthew Betts


In Search of Ecological Relevancy – Matthew Betts

Potential Refugia for the Forest Floor – Kate Frego

Effects of Forest Management Tools on Biodiversity of the Bryophyte Community: Plantations – Kate Frego

Southern New Brunswick Woodlot Owners Conservation Stewardship Project – Beth Fletcher and John Foley


Assesment of the Usefulness of Various Data Sets in Evaluating the Status of Various Tree and Shrub Species Possibly at Risk in New Brunswick – Nadine Ives

The Southern New Brunswick Wood Co-op Conservation Stewardship Project – S. Hines and J. Foley


Assessment of White-Tailed Deer Winter Habitats in the FMF in Relation to Winter Severity - Dwayne Sabine, Warren Ballard and Graham Forbes

Recovery of Bazzina Trilobata (L.) S. Gray Following Dissecation -Mary Sollows

Checklist of the Macromoths of Fundy National Park and the Greater Fundy Ecosystem – A. Thomas

Effects of Forest Practices on Bryophyte Diversity - Kate Frego

Plant Resilience After Harvesting In the Hayward Brook Watershed 1997-1998 – M. Roberts and L. Zhu

Effect of Riparian Zone Management on brook trout: The Hayward and Holmes Brook Watershed Study – Alyre Chiasson


Effects of Forestry Practices on Species Composition, Diversity, Stand Structure and Succession – Mark Roberts

Small Scale Variability in a Mixed Temperate Forest Seed Bank – Ben MacInnis

Hydrological Responses Associated with Forestry Practices in the Hayward – Holmes Watershed Study 1993-1997 – J. Pomeroy, J. Kerekes and T. Pollack

Moth Species Bio-Diversity in Fundy National Park II: 1994-1996 Black Light Trap Catches at Wolfe Lake – A. Thomas and D. Clay

Vegetative Propagation of American Beech – J. Simpson

Understanding Pre-European Settlement Forest Characterization Methodologies in the FMF – M. Betts, J. Loo and S. Lutz

Forest Management Guidelines to Protect Native Biodiversity in the FMF – S. Woodley and G. Forbes


The Parlee Brook Stream Restoration Project 1993-1996 - Alyre Chiasson

Effect of Riparian Zone Management on Fish Community Structure Hayward and Holmes Brook Study: The Final Report for the Period 1994-1996 - Alyre Chiasson

Fundy Model Forest: Forest Conservation Stewardship Project – John Foley

Pre-European Settlement and Present Forest Composition in King’s County, New Brunswick, Canada – Serge Gregory Lutz

Lepidoptera Biodiversity – Georgette Smith

The Relationship Between Intensive Forestry and Cavity Nesting Birds Project Summaries 1994,1995, 1996 – Stephen Woodley


Effects of Forestry Practices on Species Composition, Diversity, Stand Structure and Succession – Mark Roberts

Black Bear Den Characteristics at Forest Stand and Site Scales, New Brunswick – E. Daigle, W. Ballard, G. Forbes, W. Emrich

Cavity Root Research at the Hayward Brook Study Site, FMF – D. Doucette

Assessing the Viability of Old Growth Forest Community in the FMF: Progress Report #2 - S. Flemming, H.Beach, J. Watts, S. Gerrow and M. Bourgeois

Effects of Forest Practices on Bryophyte Biodiversity – Kate Frego

Effect of Riparian Zone Management on Fish Community Structure Hayward and Holmes Brook Study – Alyre Chiasson

A Disturbance History Analysis of the Fundy Model Forest Area – Ian Methven and Michael Kendrick

Various Effects of Forest Harvesting and  Management on Steam Ecosystems in the Vicinity of Fundy National Park, New Brunswick – Minga K.H. O’Brien

Hayward Brook Watershed Study – Interium Report  - Gerry Parker

Hayward Brook Watershed Study Annual Report - 1994-1995 - Gerry Parker

Monitoring Forest Pests with Pheromone Traps in the FMF – B. Pendrel, R. Simpson and D. Doucette

Disturbance of Forest Floor Bryophytes in North Temperate Forest – Mary Sims


Effects of Forestry Practices on Species Composition, Diversity, Stand Structure and Succession – Mark  Roberts and Ian Methven

Community-Level Biodiversity of Silvicultural and Natural Forests in the Greater Fundy Ecosystem – B. Freedman

Gap Analysis Summary Report – Judy Loo

Monitoring Forest Pests with Pheromone Traps in the FMF – Bruce Pendrel

Moth Diversity in Old Growth Forest: Summary of the Wolfe Lake Site, Fundy National Park – A. Thomas, D. Clay and E. Kettlela


Ecological Integrity of Fundy National Park: Assessing the Viability of Old Growth Forest Community in the FMF: Progress Report #1 – S. Flemming, H.Beach, S. Gerrow and M. Bourgeois


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